Postcard Design.

That kind of postcard was designed to advertise a holiday climbing camp for kids. It was published at Edeka, a food store chain.
That kind of postcard was designed to advertise a holiday climbing camp for kids. It was published at Edeka, a food store chain.
I developed a campaign for a yoga course in the climbing hall Magic Mountain Berlin. It is a weekly course especially for climbers. Here ist the result of the design process.
Business card and logo design for the in Berlin based psychotherapist Cindy Henneberger. She started with her own business and needed a significant presentation!
Lately I was asked to design the new album-cover for the artist Leona Berlin. Here you will find the result of the design process.
I designed 12 different kind of artworks in A1 and a flyer for my solo-exhibtion at Kaffeemitte. To see more of my artworks or to buy them in the sizes A1 or A2 just check out the onlineshop. All pieces are numbered and stamped – it´s a limited edition.
This is the new track cover design for a Berlin based DJ. Listen to it on spotify.
One of my latest projects was to redesign the logo of Münzen am Zoo. That´s the result.
Dornbirn in its old time. At the beginning of my work, which was about the debate on archive photos, I was questioning myself about the term history. What we already know is that history is build out of memories, facts and photos. The famous psychologist Karl Theodor Jasper says that history is an irreversible process of […]
I was participating in a group exhibitionin Berlin. with the topic inspiration. This exhibition was placed in the Galerie der Sozialkasse, the street is called Lückstrasse 72/73 in 10317 Berlin Lichtenberg. I designed the flyer and made a website via wordpress: My works are in the size of 50×60 cm and these are collages in my own […]
Multifarious, experimental, special, personally and unreadable… Those adjectives are characterizing the book I made. The assignment of tasks was to attach texts out of the magazine Miromente with pictures of the photographer Arno Gisinger. The problem was that neither the text nor the pictures had something to do with each other. So I got the […]